Shane Tews on Filling the Spectrum Pipeline

Transferring spectrum from old to new users have proven to be much speedier and easier than imagined by PCAST and similar plans of 10 – 15 years ago. Getting governments and government agencies to cooperate is the harder problem.

May 20, 2022 0

The National Technology Innovation Administration

Credit: Wonderful Idea Co.

The only way through our 1,200 year drought is get better at managing and using water than we have been. While RF spectrum isn’t in a similar crisis yet, it’s wise to prepare for an eventuality where demand far outstrips supply. Spectrum, like water, is a finite resource at each point in time even if both are reusable.

February 15, 2022 0

Will Rinehart on Broadband Part Two

The economics of competition work very differently in markets with high fixed costs. These markets work better with a consumer welfare focus than with the competition focus. 

December 29, 2021 0

Will Rinehart on Broadband Infrastructure and Inclusion

If you’re interested in broadband, competition, digital inclusion, and how public policy moves from idea to appropriation this is for you.

December 9, 2021 0

Congress Digs Into Broadband

The priority for Congress in the Wednesday hearing to to draw a bright line between network projects in legitimate need of federal support for construction, technical capacity development, and backhaul and those, like Loveland, that are simply vanity projects.

October 5, 2021 0

IIJA: Good Start, Long Way to Go

Congress should re-prioritize broadband subsidies to meet the needs of urban poor, the forgotten rural areas, and the needs of everyone for mobile service. We live in 2021, let’s start acting like it.

August 18, 2021 0

Connecting the Unconnected

When we begin with the requirements we quickly find that there are many ways to satisfy them. At this point it’s more prudent to continue to rely on innovation to meet needs rather than declare one and only one technology the permanent victor.

July 12, 2021 0

Multi-Gigabit SOHO Networks are Here

The era of multi-gigabit networks is here for residential and SOHO users. Wi-Fi 6 is in the indirect enabler.

May 25, 2021 0

Biden’s Zombie Broadband Plan

While we have work to do in rural and poor America, we are not at a point where we can afford to turn our backs on emerging technologies in favor of a zombie broadband plan born in the last millennium.

April 1, 2021 0

Broadband After the Pandemic

As the pandemic starts to fade, we won’t return to the old normal but we’ll reach a new normal with more broadband of all kinds, especially mobile, with less TV watching.  Against that background, the efforts of Congress to shore up the old normal are going to fail.

March 16, 2021 0