Shane Tews on Filling the Spectrum Pipeline

Transferring spectrum from old to new users have proven to be much speedier and easier than imagined by PCAST and similar plans of 10 – 15 years ago. Getting governments and government agencies to cooperate is the harder problem.

May 20, 2022 0

Eric Schmidt’s Spectrum Agenda

The US needs to create a system that keeps spectrum licenses in circulation, like dollars in the economy. Every technical system that uses spectrum today will be obsolete some day.

May 5, 2022 0

The National Technology Innovation Administration

Credit: Wonderful Idea Co.

The only way through our 1,200 year drought is get better at managing and using water than we have been. While RF spectrum isn’t in a similar crisis yet, it’s wise to prepare for an eventuality where demand far outstrips supply. Spectrum, like water, is a finite resource at each point in time even if both are reusable.

February 15, 2022 0

Radio Amateur Hour

The January 17th letter from FAA via A4A to the White House, the Transportation Secretary, the FCC, and itself exposes aviation’s cluelessness

January 18, 2022 0

Show Your Cards, FAA

Instead of playing this game of media leak-a-thon with secret studies and mystical data, the time has come for the FAA to come clean and show its cards.

December 21, 2021 0

FAA Embarrasses Itself

The proper role of FAA in this and any similar controversy is to conduct its own measurements and share them with the responsible parties. It should share its findings on altimeter vulnerabilities and leave the modeling in 5G emissions to the experts.

November 12, 2021 0

Congress Digs Into Broadband

The priority for Congress in the Wednesday hearing to to draw a bright line between network projects in legitimate need of federal support for construction, technical capacity development, and backhaul and those, like Loveland, that are simply vanity projects.

October 5, 2021 0

California Law Attacks Veterans

Stanford law professor Barbara van Schewick wants you to pay more for Internet service. The professor, hand-picked by Democratic presidential candidate Larry Lessig to succeed him as head of the…

March 25, 2021 0

Still Random After All These Years

Municipal broadband overbuilders such as Chattanooga Tennessee, Longmont Colorado, and Fort Collins Colorado are in the curious position of acting as both marketplace regulators and market participants.

September 2, 2020 0

Attack of the 5G Truthers!

Given that safety is not a real problem, or at the very least not something city councils need to worry about, a coherent focus on aesthetics and speedy deployment best serves the public interest.

June 29, 2020 0