Trump Administration Telecom Program
The Trump Administration is going to chart its own course through the tech policy issues we discuss here, as AEI’s Jeff Eisenach explained on the Communicators last Friday. The Trump Administration…
The FCC’s Privacy Nudge
Privacy defaults determine choices. Advertisers should compete on a level playing field where outcomes aren’t pre-determined.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Privacy
I had the pleasure of taking part in a panel discussion about privacy in general and the FCC’s privacy NPRM in particular today. The event was sponsored by Cal Innovates at…
No Way to Run a Railroad
Spectrum is valuable, that much is certain. Exactly how valuable it is is a matter for economic analysis at a level that exceeds my knowledge of economics by an enormous…
Like Sisyphus the FCC Pushes On
[I filed some comments with the FCC today in the Open Internet Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. It’s hard to believe, but the FCC has been at this for ten years…