An Important Study on the IP Transition

I’d like to recommend Anna-Maria Kovacs’ study on the IP transition, Telecommunications competition: the infrastructure-investment race. It’s the most cogent and thorough analysis of the digital communications landscape in the US I’ve…

October 15, 2013 0

How Not to Build a More Secure Internet

Eli Dourado, a policy wonk at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, wrote an intriguing op-ed for the New York Times Tuesday, Let’s Build a More Secure Internet. Dourado’s…

October 10, 2013 1

Policy Unwired

Our government may be shut down, but America’s broadband networks are alive and kicking, which makes me wonder what their status would be if some of our public-ownership-loving friends had…

October 2, 2013 3

Hey, Internet: Maybe They’re Just Not That Into You!

Spot the logical failing: We want everyone to use the Internet. A full 15% of adults in America are not using the Internet. They must want to but can’t, so…

September 26, 2013 0

Europe’s Broadband Woes

By any sensible measure, Europe is in the midst of a broadband crisis: The U. S. has opened a an enormous gap with the continent in terms of 4G/LTE mobile…

September 23, 2013 0

PPI’s Investment Heroes List

The Progressive Policy Institute (AKA “Clinton’s brain trust”) is on a roll. The latest memo in their “Investment Heroes: Who’s Betting on America’s Future” series lists the firms and sectors…

September 19, 2013 2

The Giant Crunching Sound – Spectrum

So what’s that giant crunching sound?  No, it’s not the guy next to me at Starbucks eating his biscotti.  (Well, it is that, too, and I do wish he would…

September 16, 2013 0

Big News Week

This is shaping up as a big week for news, what with the Net Neutrality oral arguments, Apple’s product announcement, Verizon’s Fire Island announcement and some other things that haven’t…

September 10, 2013 0

Net Neutrality Arguments

Net neutrality hasn’t been a hot issue for the past three years, since we’ve been waiting for the courts to rule on the legality of the FCC’s Open Internet rules….

September 10, 2013 0

Larry Downes on FCC’s Spectrum Auctions Struggle

ICYMI, Larry Downes’ piece on the FCC’s struggle to get spectrum auctions moving is worth a read. It’s from last week, but (sadly), it is pretty evergreen, as a quick…

September 9, 2013 0