An Important Study on the IP Transition
I’d like to recommend Anna-Maria Kovacs’ study on the IP transition, Telecommunications competition: the infrastructure-investment race. It’s the most cogent and thorough analysis of the digital communications landscape in the US I’ve…
How Not to Build a More Secure Internet
Eli Dourado, a policy wonk at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, wrote an intriguing op-ed for the New York Times Tuesday, Let’s Build a More Secure Internet. Dourado’s…
Policy Unwired
Our government may be shut down, but America’s broadband networks are alive and kicking, which makes me wonder what their status would be if some of our public-ownership-loving friends had…
Europe’s Broadband Woes
By any sensible measure, Europe is in the midst of a broadband crisis: The U. S. has opened a an enormous gap with the continent in terms of 4G/LTE mobile…
PPI’s Investment Heroes List
The Progressive Policy Institute (AKA “Clinton’s brain trust”) is on a roll. The latest memo in their “Investment Heroes: Who’s Betting on America’s Future” series lists the firms and sectors…
Big News Week
This is shaping up as a big week for news, what with the Net Neutrality oral arguments, Apple’s product announcement, Verizon’s Fire Island announcement and some other things that haven’t…
Net Neutrality Arguments
Net neutrality hasn’t been a hot issue for the past three years, since we’ve been waiting for the courts to rule on the legality of the FCC’s Open Internet rules….