India Issues Net Neutrality Report

After taking comments from interested parties (including your faithful correspondent), India’s Department of Telecommunications has issued a committee report outlining a high-level approach. The report spends most of its time…

July 21, 2015 0

Internet Versatility

The Internet is remarkable compared to most historical networks because of its versatility. In the bad old days, networks were designed to do one thing and one thing only, and…

July 16, 2015 0

Populists Want FCC to Probe Broadband Prices

The populist wing of the Democratic Party is making trouble for FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler by asking for a survey of broadband prices across the US: A group of US…

July 14, 2015 0

State of the Internet, Q1 2015

Wednesday’s Internet events illustrate the importance of the Akamai “State of the Internet” quarterly reports. Because of failures at the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines, the Wall Street Journal…

July 9, 2015 0

Can LTE Unlicensed Steamroll Wi-Fi?

A recent article in Washington Post seems to be confusing people. In “The future of mobile data pits cellphone carriers against cable giants,” Brian Fung claims, among other things, that…

July 7, 2015 0

Internet Use Nears Saturation

Here’s a rosy picture: the Pew Internet and American Life Project’s data shows that Internet use is effectively universal for some very significant US population groups: 96% of young adults (aged…

July 2, 2015 0

GTT’s Growing Pains Behind Over-Hyped Congestion Claims

Last Wednesday, I filed a story on claims by Free Press’s “Battle For the Net” that AT&T and other ISPs were causing massive Content Delivery Network (CDN) slowdowns at several…

June 30, 2015 0

Internet Slowdown Rumor Greatly Exaggerated

The Guardian ran a story on Monday, June 22nd claiming that major US ISPs are slowing traffic speeds for thousands of users. Given that 70 million US households have broadband…

June 24, 2015 0