Sharing Government Spectrum

The best way for government to share spectrum with the private sector is to sell it all and lease back as much as the agencies need at any particular time.

August 24, 2016 0

eBay: Car Service of the Future?

Autonomous cars auctioned by companies like eBay for trips and errands could become an important mode of transportation very soon.

August 18, 2016 3

The Driverless Uber of Networking

The FCC & its pals want us to build four car garages for the world of driverless Uber. This isn’t going to end well.

August 16, 2016 14

FCC Defeat Holds Chattanooga Train at the Station

FCC order preempting state broadband laws struck down by Sixth Circuit in the least surprising court decision of the year. So it’s back to the drawing board for the White House.

August 11, 2016 0

High Tech Olympics: Rio 2016 as a Testbed

Rio Olympics a proving ground for new tech in payments, VR, precision scoring, social media, security

August 9, 2016 0

Copyright Office Critiques Set-Top Box Order

Copyright Office sets the FCC straight on the nature of copyright law and fair use; piracy lobby objects loudly but wrongly.

August 5, 2016 3

The Internet Election

The Internet looms large in this presidential election. This has been true in various ways for several cycles, but it’s more true now than it ever has been. Since 2004,…

August 2, 2016 0

Russia’s Unconventional Election IT Strategy

It turns out my post on the digital campaign tools of the two major presidential candidates was a bit incomplete because it didn’t address outsourcing to foreign powers. The tech…

July 28, 2016 1