Surveying Broadband Quality
The FCC’s Broadband Progress Report is a wasteful exercise in reinventing the wheel each year because it lacks a coherent methodology and also because it ignores the scholarly research on applications and broadband quality.
High Tech Carolina Farm to Switch ISPs
It’s unlikely that the Vick Farm in North Carolina is in the same shape as an Atlantic City casino even though it has been doing a bit of gambling on its broadband.
Happy Birthday, Internet: Richard Bennett talks with Don Nielson
The Internet was born 40 years ago in a demonstration connecting a wireless node in California with all the computers on ARPANET. Listen to the godfather.
Sharing Government Spectrum
The best way for government to share spectrum with the private sector is to sell it all and lease back as much as the agencies need at any particular time.
eBay: Car Service of the Future?
Autonomous cars auctioned by companies like eBay for trips and errands could become an important mode of transportation very soon.
The Driverless Uber of Networking
The FCC & its pals want us to build four car garages for the world of driverless Uber. This isn’t going to end well.
FCC Defeat Holds Chattanooga Train at the Station
FCC order preempting state broadband laws struck down by Sixth Circuit in the least surprising court decision of the year. So it’s back to the drawing board for the White House.
High Tech Olympics: Rio 2016 as a Testbed
Rio Olympics a proving ground for new tech in payments, VR, precision scoring, social media, security