Making Time-Sensitive Networks Happen

We need the ability to offer virtual services that use software-defined networking to merge and coordinate diverse applications over the common Internet resource pool. But the regulatory problem needs to be solved by Congress and the FCC before the engineering can create real services

May 15, 2017 0

Net Neutrality: This Time it’s Different

I read a blog post today that argued the net neutrality fight is one long, uniform battle that’s been going on since 1998, when it was supposedly called “open access”….

May 4, 2017 0

Voluntary Net Neutrality: Holy Grail or Total Hoax?

If net neutrality is what its supporters say it is – the best overall way of setting expectations and managing Internet service agreements, it should be expected to become self-executing at some point. I think we passed that point about ten years ago, but we will see what we will see.

April 13, 2017 0

Wireless First: A Winning Strategy for Rural Broadband

The nice thing about focusing on wireless for the final leg of the extended broadband system is that it doesn’t duplicate effort or waste money. Despite the glory of fiber optic networks, people want mobility. So wireless is going to be part of the solution regardless. Why don’t we just accept that and concentrate on building the best wireless networks first and fill in with fiber only when and where it’s truly needed?

April 11, 2017 0

San Francisco’s Cultural Divide

Co-chair Susan Crawford (right) leads a panel discussion about the plan to wire San Francisco with high-speed Internet service.

The failure of Google Fiber to connect America’s cities to ultra-fast gigabit networks took a bizarre turn this week: San Francisco, the incubator of the apps economy, is seriously considering…

March 16, 2017 0

Senate Internet Hearings

As a technical matter, it is the case that the Internet is more like cable TV than the telephone network. While the Internet does support interpersonal communication, its primary role is publishing audio, video, pictures, and text. And like cable TV, it’s a platform in which advertising is a very important source of revenue.

March 9, 2017 0

Google Grows Up: Innovation WITH Permission

When a company as large as Google that aims to hire the best and brightest fails to prove its value by making money, it’s not uncommon to see the course correction we’re seeing now. Between Netflix, Amazon, AT&T, Apple, and YouTube it appears the tech sector is remaking Hollywood in its own image. This is going to make a great show.

March 2, 2017 0

Animating Rural Broadband

Subsidies aren’t going to alleviate rural America’s broadband woes all by themselves, but with a little planning and some new technology we can do a lot with a little.

February 2, 2017 0

Chairman Pai’s FCC Challenge

In this podcast, Shane Tews and Richard discuss key issues likely to grab the FCC’s attention this year, the impact of Chairman Pai, and whether the FCC needs to be reorganized. Beyond the issues themselves, Chairman Pai is likely to invest a lot of effort in changing the tone at the agency. Rather than forcing questionable issues through the agenda, expect him to work for consensus solutions that will outlast his tenure.

January 27, 2017 0

Is Net Neutrality Doomed?

Net neutrality is doomed by history and technology regardless of who sits atop the FCC. Neutrality is forced modularity, a losing proposition in every long run. Our reverence for for forced modularity comes from a fluke of history.

January 24, 2017 0