Goodbye Crusty Old Cable

Ethernet cable

I finally canceled cable modem service after 27 years. It’s funny what it would take a networking guy like me – e.g., I wrote the program that my installer used…

January 24, 2025 0

HTF Comments on Title II NPRM

But most of all, the FCC needs to guide Congress toward a regulatory status quo that enables the Commission to function to its full capability so that the Internet can fulfill its potential. The FCC and the Internet are not at war with each other, you are both partners in making a better tomorrow.

December 15, 2023 0

Will Rinehart on Broadband Part Two

The economics of competition work very differently in markets with high fixed costs. These markets work better with a consumer welfare focus than with the competition focus. 

December 29, 2021 0

Will Rinehart on Broadband Infrastructure and Inclusion

If you’re interested in broadband, competition, digital inclusion, and how public policy moves from idea to appropriation this is for you.

December 9, 2021 0

Congress Digs Into Broadband

The priority for Congress in the Wednesday hearing to to draw a bright line between network projects in legitimate need of federal support for construction, technical capacity development, and backhaul and those, like Loveland, that are simply vanity projects.

October 5, 2021 0

Pallone’s Folly Will Make Broadband Worse

The need for broadband can be satisfied in a matter of months by spending money where it can do the most good: on end user inclusion programs and subsidies. The long term need for better and better broadband exists as well, but it lives on a completely different timeline.

September 13, 2021 0

IIJA: Good Start, Long Way to Go

Congress should re-prioritize broadband subsidies to meet the needs of urban poor, the forgotten rural areas, and the needs of everyone for mobile service. We live in 2021, let’s start acting like it.

August 18, 2021 0