Is it Time to Reboot Internet Policy?
None of the proposals for ISP regulation or platform regulation currently in the mix are very good. If the Internet is good for anything, it’s a great disruptor. Is is too much to ask it to disrupt its own policy frameworks toward the goal of producing more of the good and less of the bad?
Warren’s Divisive Plan for Rural America
So this is only marginally a broadband program and arguably not even one that is well-focused on rural issues; it’s the Green New Deal hiding its pink hair under a straw hat.
OTI United States of Broadband Map is Fake News
US broadband is nothing to sneer at, as all of us who have taken the time to study it in depth are happy to say. Alternative fact reports targeted at naive journalists have the potential to do serious harm, so I would encourage anyone who finds OTI’s United States of Broadband remotely credible to dig a little deeper before firing off clickbait headlines. You might be a victim of fake news.
Harold Furchgott-Roth on mmWave and Economics in Policy Making
In this podcast, Furchgott-Roth discusses the book, his roles in Congress and at the FCC, the current controversy over 5G mmWave interference, and the role of the World Radio Conference in setting standards for spectrum use around the world.
reCAPTCHA: I’m Not a Robot But I’m Not Sure About You
Google is not a charitable enterprise, and essentially all of its income is made by monetizing personal information.
ICYMI: Remarks at Annual Phoenix Center Rooftop Policy Roundtable – Is Privacy Policy the Next Mattress Tag?
What we don’t need is something akin to the government’s mattress tag requirements – a bewildering agreement users blindly accept without understanding its purpose.
Underestimating Rural Broadband Coverage
Is it justifiable to misrepresent the facts (to lie, actually) in order provoke a legislative reaction that improves rural life?
Will 5G Kill Weather Forecasting?
NOAA’s simulations of 5G’s impact on weather sensors are inadequate and there’s very little time to get them right. The wireless industry needs to lend a hand.
The Consequences of Russian Misinformation
Conspiracy nuts are drawn into an irrational world where normal behavior is to do irrational things. Conspiracy theories undermine confidence in institutions and conspiratorial reasoning also undermines institutions in their own right. We need to break out of this cycle.
Putting Huawei in a (White) Box
There are issues that warrant special attention in the networking standards bodies (3GPP and IETF in particular) but this is nothing new. If the government can get off its Huawei kick and support OCP we’ll all be better off in the long run.