Fixed LTE for Rural Broadband Emerges
For several years it’s been apparent that the ever-increasing performance of 4G/LTE wireless networks would make them a practical option for rural broadband. The specifications for LTE span the range…
CDT’s Diagram Muddies the Waters
The week before last, I wrote about the factual errors in a letter to the FCC signed by a collection of advocacy groups with an interest in consumer privacy. Briefly, the…
End-to-End Trust and Security in the IoT
Day one of the IEEE IoT security events delivered everything it promised and more. The speakers were well-informed and provocative, and the breakout sessions produced some actionable ideas as well…
Security and Privacy in the IoT
Today’s post is an ad for a pair of related events this week in Washington DC. These events are important for policymakers because they’re aimed at helping them get a better…
FCC’s AllVid STB Plan is 10 Years Too Late
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler proposes to end a ten year old inquiry into cable/satellite set-top boxes (STB) by requiring all TV providers to provide AllVid, a standards-based open STB interface…
Bringing Privacy into the Open
We don’t write about Internet privacy a great deal because it’s much more a matter of pure policy than one of technology. Privacy policy has more to do with consent,…
The Internet of Food
One of the 21st century’s major social problems is feeding a population that’s projected to grow to 9.6 billion mouths to feed by 2050. By most estimates, this will require doubling…
Wi-Fi Routers: Just How Bad Are They?
I’ve written about the sad state of Wi-Fi routers before, chiefly in FCC Clarifies the Ask for Wi-Fi Routers and Open Source Software and Regulatory Compliance chiefly. The open source community and…
Chairman Wheeler’s Broadband Draft Falls Short
FCC Chairman Wheeler has circulated a draft of the broadband progress report he wants to present to Congress pursuant to Section 706 of the Communications Act. The draft is certainly…
Broadband Speed in America, 2015
On December 30th, while nobody was paying attention, the FCC released its long-delayed 2015 edition of its broadband speed test, the Measuring Broadband America Fixed Broadband Report. This is an annual report…