A Broader Vision for Wireless 9-1-1
Before working in public policy, I was a Silicon Valley technology developer. When they learn this, people often ask me if I’m frustrated by the slow pace of policy. I…
Presenting the Technical Facts – High-Band vs. Low-Band Spectrum Deployment in Today’s Spectrum-Constrained Environment
It’s said so often that many have accepted it as a truism: “Low-band spectrum is inherently superior. High-band is inferior, undesirable and expensive.” This is one of things that everybody…
Is a Sprint/T-Mobile Merger in the Cards?
The telecom press is hopping with speculation that Sprint is preparing to make a move on T-Mobile, thanks to an article in the Wall St. Journal: Sprint is studying regulatory…
Panel Predictability Scorecard
Last time, I made predictions about the remarks I expected to hear at NAF’s panel on the spectrum incentive auctions with a promise to score the results, so here you…
Handicapping New America’s Spectrum Auctions Event
Thursday the 21st, the New America Foundation’s Wireless Future Project is holding a policy forum on the question of spectrum caps in the upcoming (next year or the year after)…
Qu’ils mangent de la brioche?
As the sun rose this morning, America’s broadband policy wonks were greeted with news that the Open Technology Institute is about to bless us with a new addition to their…
How Not to Build a More Secure Internet
Eli Dourado, a policy wonk at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, wrote an intriguing op-ed for the New York Times Tuesday, Let’s Build a More Secure Internet. Dourado’s…
Roaming is not Interconnection
There was a some very unusual action at the Senate’s “State of Wireline Communication” hearing on Thursday. The prepared statements weren’t remarkable: subsidized carriers want more subsidies, independent carriers want…
The State of (Rural) Wireline Communication
The Senate Commerce Committee’s Thursday hearing is titled “State of Wireline Communications” but it’s going to have a heavy rural bias. This is par for the course in the Senate,…
FCC Process Reform
House Energy and Commerce’s Communications Subcommittee is holding a hearing tomorrow (Thursday) on a FCC process reform. While this sounds like a dry subject, it’s significant. The subcommittee is considering…