A Broader Vision for Wireless 9-1-1

Before working in public policy, I was a Silicon Valley technology developer. When they learn this, people often ask me if I’m frustrated by the slow pace of policy. I…

February 12, 2014 0

Presenting the Technical Facts – High-Band vs. Low-Band Spectrum Deployment in Today’s Spectrum-Constrained Environment

It’s said so often that many have accepted it as a truism: “Low-band spectrum is inherently superior.  High-band is inferior, undesirable and expensive.” This is one of things that everybody…

February 5, 2014 5

Is a Sprint/T-Mobile Merger in the Cards?

The telecom press is hopping with speculation that Sprint is preparing to make a move on T-Mobile, thanks to an article in the Wall St. Journal: Sprint is studying regulatory…

December 17, 2013 0

Panel Predictability Scorecard

Last time, I made predictions about the remarks I expected to hear at NAF’s panel on the spectrum incentive auctions with a promise to score the results, so here you…

December 16, 2013 0

Handicapping New America’s Spectrum Auctions Event

Thursday the 21st, the New America Foundation’s Wireless Future Project is holding a policy forum on the question of spectrum caps in the upcoming (next year or the year after)…

November 18, 2013 0

Qu’ils mangent de la brioche?

As the sun rose this morning, America’s broadband policy wonks were greeted with news that the Open Technology Institute is about to bless us with a new addition to their…

October 28, 2013 9

How Not to Build a More Secure Internet

Eli Dourado, a policy wonk at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, wrote an intriguing op-ed for the New York Times Tuesday, Let’s Build a More Secure Internet. Dourado’s…

October 10, 2013 1

Roaming is not Interconnection

There was a some very unusual action at the Senate’s “State of Wireline Communication” hearing on Thursday. The prepared statements weren’t remarkable: subsidized carriers want more subsidies, independent carriers want…

July 26, 2013 0

The State of (Rural) Wireline Communication

The Senate Commerce Committee’s Thursday hearing is titled “State of Wireline Communications” but it’s going to have a heavy rural bias. This is par for the course in the Senate,…

July 24, 2013 0

FCC Process Reform

House Energy and Commerce’s Communications Subcommittee is holding a hearing tomorrow (Thursday) on a FCC process reform. While this sounds like a dry subject, it’s significant. The subcommittee is considering…

July 10, 2013 1