Magical Reasoning About Title II Regulation
The trouble with 477 is that providers can only report on the areas they cover, while the real questions are about the areas they don’t. It may be that the best way to get the data we need is through the Census. It deserves some investigation even though Pallone and Doyle didn’t raise the question.
Regulatory Balance Across Platforms
Perhaps the best path to correction of our regulatory schizophrenia begins with the Alternative Infrastructure. It has some properties of ISPs and some of the Internet-Based Services.
From the Core to the Edge: Perspective on Internet Prioritization
The Internet is not simply a sandbox for network research any more, it has become the primary means of electronic communication around the world. Before long, it will be the only such means and we will all be better for it. Please allow firms that depend on networking to invest efficiently so as to maximize their incentives to innovate.
The Truth about Internet Privacy
The surest way forward is to increase the FTC’s authority to police data gathering practices across the Internet economy for the whole country.
Trouble in Fibertown
When faced with the need to either stagnate or grow, Novell chose the status quo path. Let’s hope Orem doesn’t repeat the error with UTOPIA. It might have been a great idea in 2002, but the visions many of us had of networking in those days were blind to the progress that was possible for wireless. That was a serious miscalculation.
Tim Berners-Lee is Depressed about the Web
The web’s greatest shortcoming, as well the greatest shortcoming of the Internet before the web, is the absence of tools for commerce in the plumbing. The web needs to provide each user with a persistent identity – or more, and they don’t need to be real – and a dance card for all the permissions we’ve given for data collectors to record our activities.
The Trouble with End-to-End
The disconnect between the way the Internet really is and the way neutrality advocates wish it were came into stark relief today: while some Congressmen were outside the Capitol giving speeches on the importance of net neutrality, those inside the building voted to make significant, harmful changes to Section 230, the real protector of Internet speech. And they didn’t even notice.
What’s the Deal With Software-Defined Networking?
One of the panels at the Silicon Flatirons big conference on Regulating Computing and Code dealt with Software-Defined Networks and software in general. SDNs are an important development that allows…
Is the Internet Association Serious?
We need IA, the ISPs, Congress, and the regulatory agencies to come together and draft a new section for the Communications Act addressing privacy, security, fraud and other criminal conduct, and market concentration.
Network Management: What it is and Why We Need It
In this video, Peter Rysavy and I lay out the highlights of network management. This is a topic that is almost universal in public policy because so many issues relate…