Birth of the Commercial Internet
Once upon a time, way back in 1991, the entire commercial Internet consisted of a single Cisco AGS router located in Tyson’s Corner, Virginia. At the time that the so-called…
The Trouble with Spectrum
You can get a good idea of the problem with America’s current spectrum situation from the NTIA Spectrum Map (click through for a full-size picture.) Since the initial allocations were…
Now you Know Who to Blame
Who’s the culprit for the end of the Internet as we know it? Why Vint Cerf, of course: The world is running out of IPv4 addresses, forcing the adoption of…
Getting what We Pay For
Measuring broadband speed is a tricky business. Speed testing sites like do a reasonable job of measuring bandwidth to a large network of test servers, but it’s difficult to…
FCC Managed Services and Wireless Inquiry
Comments were filed yesterday on the first round of the FCC’s inquiry into the role of managed services and wireless in the Open Internet issue. This particular deadline wasn’t as…
Networks and Application Innovation
One of the truisms of modern Internet policy holds that innovation takes place primarily – or even exclusively – at the network edge. This idea, buttressed by appeals to the…
Are “Managed Services” a New Thing?
The reaction to the Internet regulation framework Google and Verizon laid out on August 9th by the tech blogs was extremely uniform: the bloggers harshly criticized the firms, Google in particular, in very personal terms (“sellout,” “surrender monkey“, “greedy swindler,” etc.) and lambasted the agreement for its failings in terms of mobile broadband and managed services.
Crashing the Internet
Something interesting happened on the Internet Friday that you may not have noticed. For a fairly brief period of time, about 2% of sites lost their connection (couldn’t communicate with…
Unclouded Vision
Abstract: The commercial reality of the Internet and mobile access to it is muddy. Generalising, we have a set of cloud service providers (e.g., Amazon, Facebook, Flickr, Google, Twitter, to…
Damn the Internet, Let’s Fire Up the Base
I don’t generally write about politics on this blog because it has a technology focus, but a couple of things have happened in the political sphere recently that are too…