FCC Brief Painfully Wrong about DNS

The FCC’s response to the challenges to its latest Open Internet Order (OIO) completely misrepresents the nature of DNS and its role in the Internet. As a result, the brief…

September 17, 2015 0

Testing Vindicates LTE-U

A study of LTE-U’s interaction with Wi-Fi – and the interaction of real Wi-Fi access points with each other – appears to show that Wi-Fi users have nothing to fear…

September 14, 2015 0

Apple Day Celebration 2015

One of the fun things about being an Apple fan boy is the September announcement of all the cool stuff that’s been happening aboard the mother ship. Part of the…

September 10, 2015 0

Robot Explosion

It turns out Ashley Madison doesn’t just have porous security, most of its female members are software robots rather than real people. So all those people who’ve been embarrassed by having…

September 9, 2015 0

A Conversation with Henning Schulzrinne

Columbia University Professor Henning Schulzrinne served as Chief Technologist at the Federal Communications Commission from 2011 to 2014. During his career, he has helped develop the key protocols that enable…

September 8, 2015 0

Apple Gets a Fast Lane (and the FCC can’t do a thing about it)

Apple and Cisco announced they’ve made a deal that gives Apple users a fast lane on networks run on Cisco devices. As you surely recall, the FCC banned fast lanes…

September 1, 2015 0

Tech and Liberal Arts in the US and Germany

While tech and the liberal arts often have a rocky relationship, the marriage of these two disciplines is a lot happier in the US than it is in Germany. In…

August 27, 2015 0

Understanding Statistical Packet Multiplexing

Sometimes I envy the UK. While America’s broadband regulator has been imposing harsh new rules on the Internet aimed at making it behave more like the old-fashioned telephone network, UK…

August 25, 2015 0

Internet of Things Series

So who’s up for a series of posts on the Internet of Things? I know I am, because it’s the most interesting and engaging thing happening with the Internet today….

August 20, 2015 0

Sparks Fly over LTE-U

I went to the Tech Policy Institute’s Aspen Forum this week, one of Internet policy’s premier events. If you’re interested in policy and want to get away from the August weather…

August 18, 2015 0