Apple’s Secret Sauce

Why is Apple able to create totally new platforms for computing and networking year after year while other high tech companies are more like one-trick ponies? Part of the answer…

January 23, 2011 0

Guess Who’s Blocking Skype?

Add the Firefox browser to the list of Skype blockers that has included at various times the iTunes store, the cellular networks, and a number of entire countries from China…

January 21, 2011 0

TGIFunny… Internet Help Desk

Internet Help Desk

January 21, 2011 0

State of the Net 2011

The State of the Net conference just wrapped up in Washington, DC. This is a unique event that brings policy wonks and technologists to Washington in order to help Congress…

January 19, 2011 6

State of the Net Conference Underway

The Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee’s eleventh “State of the Net” conference is underway in DC today.  High Tech Forum Editor Richard Bennett is in attendance, and will be participating…

January 18, 2011 0

TGIFunny: How an engineer folds a t-shirt.

Actually, I want one of these things. How an engineer folds a t-shirt

January 14, 2011 1

Internet in 2010 by the Numbers

What are 262 billion, 21.4 million, 202 million, 1.97 billion, 2 billion, and 4? According to Royal Pingdom’s breakdown they would be the: 262 billion: The number of spam emails…

January 13, 2011 1

TGIFunny … “My Blackberry’s Not Working”

Hilarious video from BBC. Apropos of the end of CES, we think. Blackberry’s Not Working

January 7, 2011 0