The Next Big Cause
Now that Net Neutrality is winding down – Larry Lessig says it’s a dead political movement – Internet policy attention naturally shifts to questions about what comes next for the…
The Challenge of HD Video Streaming on LTE
One of AT&T’s non-redacted arguments in support of its acquisition of T-Mobile USA is that data usage on AT&T’s network is projected to “skyrocket by a factor of eight to…
Forecasting Spectrum Demand
There’s been a lot of talk lately regarding the looming spectrum crisis in America, with the FCC and the mobile operators talking it up, and some bloggers, analysts, and buffs…
Experimental Radio Applications at the FCC
This summarizes a selection of applications for the Experimental Radio Service received by the FCC during March 2011. These are related to VHF propagation, satellite communications, TV white space, military…