Congress Digs Into Broadband
The priority for Congress in the Wednesday hearing to to draw a bright line between network projects in legitimate need of federal support for construction, technical capacity development, and backhaul and those, like Loveland, that are simply vanity projects.
Pallone’s Folly Will Make Broadband Worse
The need for broadband can be satisfied in a matter of months by spending money where it can do the most good: on end user inclusion programs and subsidies. The long term need for better and better broadband exists as well, but it lives on a completely different timeline.
IIJA: Good Start, Long Way to Go
Congress should re-prioritize broadband subsidies to meet the needs of urban poor, the forgotten rural areas, and the needs of everyone for mobile service. We live in 2021, let’s start acting like it.
Connecting the Unconnected
When we begin with the requirements we quickly find that there are many ways to satisfy them. At this point it’s more prudent to continue to rely on innovation to meet needs rather than declare one and only one technology the permanent victor.
NTIA Map Has Real but Limited Value
Indicators of Broadband Needs sheds light on low-income areas with limited broadband use. It doesn’t answer questions about how much money we need to spend on infrastructure, what speeds such spending should target, whether the providers should be public or private, and how such money should be spent.
Comparing Wi-Fi 6E Gateways: Netgear vs. Asus
In the last post we shared some preliminary impressions of Wi-Fi 6E vs. Wi-Fi 6. 6E is identical to 6 except that 6E uses the 6GHz frequency band while 6…
Multi-Gigabit SOHO Networks are Here
The era of multi-gigabit networks is here for residential and SOHO users. Wi-Fi 6 is in the indirect enabler.
Universal Broadband: A 21st Century View
The way forward is to prioritize urgent needs over long term visions. In cases where a new wireline network is the only solution that will get a rural community online, of course that network needs to be all fiber and potentially symmetrical. But such cases are rare.