What happens if everybody uses Meerkat or Periscope at the same time?

Dear Engineer, I’ve been hearing a lot about personalized video streaming services, like Meerkat and Periscope, that will let you instantly live-stream your life. This sounds pretty cool, as I…

April 6, 2015 0

Delaware Internet as Fast as South Korea?

The Washington Post’s GovBeat blog has a nice summary of the latest “State of the Internet” report from Akamai. They’ve broken out US states and compared them to nations, a…

March 26, 2015 0

Playing God with the Internet?

At yesterday’s House Judiciary Committee’s hearing, “Wrecking the Internet to Save It: The FCC’s Net Neutrality Rule,” Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert delivered some impassioned comments on the FCC’s common…

March 26, 2015 0

FCC Hearings: Where’s the Tech?

The five Congressional hearings on the FCC in the last week yielded surprisingly little technical content. While I’ve learned not to be optimistic about the ability of the nation’s “expert…

March 26, 2015 0

Paid Priority: Devil or Angel?

Now that the dust has settled around the FCC’s latest round of Internet regulations – or “Internet access regulations” if you prefer – people are struggling to digest the likely…

March 18, 2015 0

How Interconnection Works

How Interconnection Works

Interconnection played a big role in the FCC’s 2014 Open Internet rules. The FCC rules give the FCC the power to examine interconnection agreements and to change them if it…

March 18, 2015 0

Where Does US Broadband Speed Really Rank?

This is the second part of pair of posts on US broadband speed; the first covered average download speed (33.5 Mbps in the US) and this puts that speed in…

March 18, 2015 0

Does Your Broadband Internet Service Suck?

Much of the debate over Internet policy in the US presumes that our broadband services aren’t very good. Would there be a need for the FCC to pass the most…

March 18, 2015 0