The Internet of Food

Food Computer

One of the 21st century’s major social problems is feeding a population that’s projected to grow to 9.6 billion mouths to feed by 2050. By most estimates, this will require doubling…

January 21, 2016 0

Wi-Fi Routers: Just How Bad Are They?

I’ve written about the sad state of Wi-Fi routers before, chiefly in FCC Clarifies the Ask for Wi-Fi Routers and Open Source Software and Regulatory Compliance chiefly. The open source community and…

January 19, 2016 2

Chairman Wheeler’s Broadband Draft Falls Short

FCC Chairman Wheeler has circulated a draft of the broadband progress report he wants to present to Congress pursuant to Section 706 of the Communications Act. The draft is certainly…

January 12, 2016 0

Broadband Speed in America, 2015

On December 30th, while nobody was paying attention, the FCC released its long-delayed 2015 edition of its broadband speed test, the Measuring Broadband America Fixed Broadband Report. This is an annual report…

January 7, 2016 0

The Year of Virtual Reality

If consensus were a reliable predictor of the future, it would be wise to bet all your money on that Virtual Reality will be the killer app of 2016. Most…

January 5, 2016 0

2015 Download

2015 was a very active year for High Tech Forum because so much went down in Internet and mobile policy, with major developments in all the key policy areas and…

December 31, 2015 0

Evaluating Our Predictions for 2015

Last March, I wrote a post evaluating three of the most interesting technology predictions for 2015; one from Frog Design on fitness devices, one from Deloitte on “Software-Defined Everything,” and one of…

December 29, 2015 0

The Software-Defined Internet

The Internet continues to change. The traditional Internet was a highly static system: All addresses were global, endpoints were stationary, users were tied to a single primary device, and the…

December 17, 2015 0