Internet Privacy is a Three-Headed Dragon
Policy discourse on Internet privacy has been stagnant since it started in the 20th century. There are distinct battle lines and a working consensus about the obligations of current Internet data…
False Premises: FCC’s Fact-Free Sheet
Tom Wheeler’s set top box initiative is not ready for prime time. The Commission needs to examine its assumptions and correct its errors.
Netflix Gives FCC its Broadband Marching Orders
In comments filed in the FCC’s annual Broadband Progress Report, Netflix demands favors. Given their history lockstep coordination between the FCC and favored constituents, I wouldn’t be surprised if the FCC tries to grant at least some of these wishes.
Apple’s iPhone 7 Advances
Apple’s iPhone 7 and Apple Watch 2.0 are both credible advances in their spheres, especially for those who like cameras and don’t care for wired headphones.
FCC Comment on Broadband Progress
FCC Broadband Progress Reports lack coherent structure and the kind of year-to-year consistency of method that would allow us to evaluate progress. This can be corrected by taking a more structured approach and relying on academic research instead of home-cooked data with limited value, as is the norm.
Surveying Broadband Quality
The FCC’s Broadband Progress Report is a wasteful exercise in reinventing the wheel each year because it lacks a coherent methodology and also because it ignores the scholarly research on applications and broadband quality.
High Tech Carolina Farm to Switch ISPs
It’s unlikely that the Vick Farm in North Carolina is in the same shape as an Atlantic City casino even though it has been doing a bit of gambling on its broadband.
Happy Birthday, Internet: Richard Bennett talks with Don Nielson
The Internet was born 40 years ago in a demonstration connecting a wireless node in California with all the computers on ARPANET. Listen to the godfather.