Five Myths About Internet Privacy
Our web activity is tracked by “edge services” such as Google and Facebook even if we don’t go to their web sites. This is because they both operate tracking networks with the cooperation of web sites that carry their tracking code.
Congress is Watching You: What to Look For in the House Internet Privacy Debate
Yes. Does Google track you outside of Yes. Does Google share sensitive data about you with third parties it collects from sites like and I don’t know that it does, but it’s entitled to by its privacy disclosures. And the same goes for a dozen other trackers unleashed on web users who visit these two sites.
What’s a Tracker Network and What Can it See?
In Wednesday’s Senate floor debate over the Congressional Review Act resolution on the Wheeler FCC’s privacy regulations, each Democratic Senator made the same claim: ISPs can see all the web…
Apple Augmented Reality Play: Glasses and Much More
If Apple is successful in bringing information-rich AR into daily life, consumers will demand that all of our machines adapt as well. So that means Siri-enabled (or Alexa-enabled if Amazon wins) devices in the car, the home, and the office.
San Francisco’s Cultural Divide
The failure of Google Fiber to connect America’s cities to ultra-fast gigabit networks took a bizarre turn this week: San Francisco, the incubator of the apps economy, is seriously considering…
Saving the Web from Humanity
28 years ago today, Sir Tim Berners-Lee designed the web in a memo to his bosses at CERN, the European Union’s research center for nuclear energy. While nuclear energy is…
Senate Internet Hearings
As a technical matter, it is the case that the Internet is more like cable TV than the telephone network. While the Internet does support interpersonal communication, its primary role is publishing audio, video, pictures, and text. And like cable TV, it’s a platform in which advertising is a very important source of revenue.
Magic Headsets
Video headsets are critical elements of augmented reality. They come in two basic designs: Optical See-Through (OST) where the wearer perceives the real world directly, and Video See-Through (VST) where cameras are…