Akamai State of the Internet: Q1 2016
Every quarter, Akamai releases an update to its State of the Internet report that tends to show the continuation of several established trends: Average Internet speeds go up about 10%…
Live Streaming the House Sit-in
The Democratic Party sit-in at the House yesterday had an interesting technology component: the emergence of smartphone live streaming as a political instrument. The 60s-style demonstration took place after the…
Fact-Checking Commissioner Statements on Privacy NPRM
In the process of writing comments for the FCC’s privacy NPRM (Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services, WC Docket No. 16-106) I made the mistake…
A High Tech Forum Conversation on Wi-Fi vs. LTE-U with Mike Thelander
[powerpress] In the latest High Tech Forum podcast, Richard Bennett talks with Mike Thelander, CEO and founder of Signals Research Group (SRG), about Thelander’s research and recent developments in wireless…
Unwiring the World
We’ve talked and written a lot about the coming 5G revolution in wireless communication, but our emphasis on latency, speed, and ubiquitous coverage is only part of the story. As…
Cutting Through the Blog-fog on Throttlegate
FCC Commissioner Mike O’Rielly criticized Netflix’s Throttlegate in a speech to the American Action Forum Tuesday but pushed back on the idea floated by some ISPs that edge services providers…
Three Surprises in Akamai’s State of the Internet Report
Today Akamai releases the latest edition of its State of the Internet Report, the go-to overview of developments in global Internet infrastructure. This edition covers the 4th quarter of 2015;…
10 Breakthrough Technologies
OK, I’m a sucker for Top 10 lists, especially those that forecast technology trends. So the cover story on the current issue of MIT Technology Review (their title is my…
MOBILE Now: All the Spectrum We’ll Ever Need?
Mobile networks will be in good shape for spectrum for the foreseeable future if Senators John Thune (R, S. Dakota) and Bill Nelson (D, Florida) pass their MOBILE Now Act…
Bringing Privacy into the Open
We don’t write about Internet privacy a great deal because it’s much more a matter of pure policy than one of technology. Privacy policy has more to do with consent,…