Microsoft and Nokia
The tech news of they day (it actually broke last night) is Microsoft’s $7.2 billion takeover of Nokia’s mobile phone business. Given the market shares of the parties – both…
95% of America’s Young Adults Use Broadband at Home
The latest survey of America’s home broadband subscriptions by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project reveals some surprising trends that you probably haven’t heard before. The fact…
Microsoft’s Next Generation
There’s been a lot of buzz around Steve Ballmer’s announcement that he’s leaving Microsoft, and some interesting speculation about who his replacement might be. Anil Dash in particular made some…
Fiber and Wireless Explained
In a recent blog post for Innovation Files, I covered some claims that various advocates make for fiber optic networks about sharing and symmetry that are completely incorrect. I’d like…
Roaming is not Interconnection
There was a some very unusual action at the Senate’s “State of Wireline Communication” hearing on Thursday. The prepared statements weren’t remarkable: subsidized carriers want more subsidies, independent carriers want…
The State of (Rural) Wireline Communication
The Senate Commerce Committee’s Thursday hearing is titled “State of Wireline Communications” but it’s going to have a heavy rural bias. This is par for the course in the Senate,…
A Progressive Broadband Agenda
Ev Ehrlich, a former Clinton Administration Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs who frequently contributes to this blog, has outlined an Internet policy agenda for progressives in a paper…
FCC Process Reform
House Energy and Commerce’s Communications Subcommittee is holding a hearing tomorrow (Thursday) on a FCC process reform. While this sounds like a dry subject, it’s significant. The subcommittee is considering…