Is a Sprint/T-Mobile Merger in the Cards?

The telecom press is hopping with speculation that Sprint is preparing to make a move on T-Mobile, thanks to an article in the Wall St. Journal: Sprint is studying regulatory…

December 17, 2013 0

Panel Predictability Scorecard

Last time, I made predictions about the remarks I expected to hear at NAF’s panel on the spectrum incentive auctions with a promise to score the results, so here you…

December 16, 2013 0

An FCC Chairman who Sees Benefits of Investment and Innovation

Don’t miss Edward Wyatt’s story in the New York Times and our fair editor’s posting at AEI Tech Policy Daily about FCC Chairman Wheeler’s blog on the IP  Transitin –…

November 20, 2013 0

Handicapping New America’s Spectrum Auctions Event

Thursday the 21st, the New America Foundation’s Wireless Future Project is holding a policy forum on the question of spectrum caps in the upcoming (next year or the year after)…

November 18, 2013 0

Why High Tech Forum Exists: Illustrated in One Blog Post

This post is a combination of the granular and the existential – with this specific blog posting, arguing against unrestricted auction in low-frequency spectrum – offering a perfect illustration of…

November 14, 2013 2

Does the Internet Have Permission to Improve?

My first piece as an AEI Visiting Fellow is up on AEI’s Tech News Daily blog; it’s titled Let’s Give the Internet Permission to Improve. This piece addresses the old…

November 6, 2013 0

Wheeler Names his Lawyers

New FCC chairman Tom Wheeler wasted no time making staff appointments immediately after being sworn in today, unveiling a slate of 12 appointments to positions in the chairman’s office and…

November 4, 2013 0

Qu’ils mangent de la brioche?

As the sun rose this morning, America’s broadband policy wonks were greeted with news that the Open Technology Institute is about to bless us with a new addition to their…

October 28, 2013 9

IP Transition: The One Percent Problem

The House Communications and the Internet Subcommittee is holding hearings Wednesday on the IP Transition (which I’ll be attending in person, BTW) so it’s timely to discuss the issues again….

October 21, 2013 0

Whose Business Model is to Blame for Internet Piracy?

ICYMI, there’s been a hot controversy for the past couple of days about claims made by Mercatus Center researcher Jerry Brito and Washington Post blogger Tim Lee to the effect…

October 16, 2013 0