Interesting Technologies Raise Interesting Questions — and Opportunities
Silicon Valley and its imitators around the world are always active on dozens of fronts that don’t break into the news cycle until they’ve gone through several cycles of innovation,…
A New Way to Look at Net Neutrality
New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute is circulating a proposal by consultant CTC Technology and Energy titled “Mobile Broadband Networks Can Manage Congestion While Abiding By Open Internet Principles” that…
Can We Validate the Cost of Connectivity?
The latest addition of the New America Foundation’s “Cost of Connectivity” report is successfully gaining attention from bloggers and journalists who accept its claims at face value. Some of the…
Who’s making money on the Internet?
One of the background questions in Internet policy debates concerns what and who contributes value to the overall system and who extracts profits. In a perfectly functioning market, profits will…
Happy Net Neutrality Day
Once again, we’ve come to another deadline for the filing of comments to the FCC on net neutrality, possibly the most mystifying subject in the history of technology policy. This…
Does Netflix Have Amnesia?
I’m paying for Netflix and I’m paying for Internet connectivity, why do I care if they pay each other for faster service? Actually why aren’t they? In our instant gratification…
Like Sisyphus the FCC Pushes On
[I filed some comments with the FCC today in the Open Internet Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. It’s hard to believe, but the FCC has been at this for ten years…