Live Streaming the House Sit-in

The Democratic Party sit-in at the House yesterday had an interesting technology component: the emergence of smartphone live streaming as a political instrument. The 60s-style demonstration took place after the…

June 23, 2016 0

Overcoming Internet Stagnation

The DC Circuit’s blessing of the FCC’s Internet Service Provider regulations evoked a chorus of hosannahs from the predictable sources: reflexively anti-coprporate newspaper editorials, alarmist blogs, and advocacy groups with…

June 16, 2016 1

Democratic Judges Uphold Misclassification of Internet as Telephone Service

DC Circuit judges Tatel and Srinivasan went along with the FCC’s misclassification of Internet service as a telephone service today, but Senior Judge Steven Williams dissented. The majority opinion rules that…

June 14, 2016 0

Integrating its Way to the Future: Apple WWDC

Apple’s annual World-Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) is one of the most anticipated and best-covered tech events of year. WWDC is typically about software updates, while the so-called Special Events are…

June 13, 2016 0

Internet Architecture vs. Section 222

If you follow debates about Internet policy in detail, you will often find advocates arguing opposite sides of particular questions in different contexts. Responsible advocates avoid this practice because, obviously,…

June 10, 2016 0

Cell Phones Don’t Cause Cancer

Anything’s possible, but the evidence we have so far says there’s no reason to fear cancer from cell phones. Stories on cancer risk from phones endlessly crop up on the…

May 31, 2016 0

My Privacy Taxonomy

The FCC’s Privacy NPRM would gain a lot of clarity by discarding its scattershot approach in favor of a framework defined by meaningful technical distinctions. For purposes of consistency, we can…

May 26, 2016 0

Fact-Checking Commissioner Statements on Privacy NPRM

In the process of writing comments for the FCC’s privacy NPRM (Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services, WC Docket No. 16-106) I made the mistake…

May 24, 2016 0

Privacy and the Internet: What the FCC Doesn’t Get

If you want to get totally confused about the nature of the Internet, you can’t do any better than to listen to and believe FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s remarks in…

May 17, 2016 13