Integrating its Way to the Future: Apple WWDC
Apple’s annual World-Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) is one of the most anticipated and best-covered tech events of year. WWDC is typically about software updates, while the so-called Special Events are…
Internet Architecture vs. Section 222
If you follow debates about Internet policy in detail, you will often find advocates arguing opposite sides of particular questions in different contexts. Responsible advocates avoid this practice because, obviously,…
Scary Experimentation at 3.5 GHz
Experiments, essential to the scientific process, can advance understanding, but they can also fail without producing any valuable new information. At a time when the mobile broadband industry is thriving…
Cell Phones Don’t Cause Cancer
Anything’s possible, but the evidence we have so far says there’s no reason to fear cancer from cell phones. Stories on cancer risk from phones endlessly crop up on the…
My Privacy Taxonomy
The FCC’s Privacy NPRM would gain a lot of clarity by discarding its scattershot approach in favor of a framework defined by meaningful technical distinctions. For purposes of consistency, we can…
Fact-Checking Commissioner Statements on Privacy NPRM
In the process of writing comments for the FCC’s privacy NPRM (Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services, WC Docket No. 16-106) I made the mistake…
Privacy and the Internet: What the FCC Doesn’t Get
If you want to get totally confused about the nature of the Internet, you can’t do any better than to listen to and believe FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s remarks in…
CDT’s Privacy Week Event
This is privacy week in DC. The Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) put on a privacy workshop Tuesday featuring both tech and policy folks from across the spectrum of…
Which Countries Have the Best Mobile Networks?
A new report says US mobile networks are mediocre compared to lightning fast networks in France and the UK, unintentionally showing how hard it is to compare networks. The report…
What’s Happening with the Technology Business?
Comcast is putting itself in the spotlight again with some dramatic moves in three areas: broadband subscriptions, wireless networks, and creative content. It’s worthwhile to look at these things because…