Clinton and Trump Campaign Technologies

Since the Republican National Convention is underway as I write this – compelling entertainment – it’s appropriate to take a look at the ways the candidates will use technology in…

July 20, 2016 2

Net Neutrality Heats up in Europe

The net neutrality debate isn’t quite over in the US, as we learned today from the pushback from true believers against T-Mobile’s offer of uncapped data for a year to Pokémon GO…

July 18, 2016 0

Pokémon GO and Self-Driving Cars

This is going to be about self-driving cars but there’s some sort of rule that blogs all have to be about Pokémon GO this week so I’ll get to my main…

July 14, 2016 0

Senate to Examine FCC’s Privacy Scheme

Bright and early Tuesday morning – at 10:00 AM Capitol Hill time – the Senate Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on the FCC’s proposed privacy rules, How Will the FCC’s…

July 11, 2016 2

Reply Comments on FCC Privacy

I filed reply comments with the FCC in the broadband privacy proceeding to make a single point: ISPs don’t have the NSA-like powers of code-breaking and aggregation that the NRPM…

July 7, 2016 6

Akamai State of the Internet: Q1 2016

Every quarter, Akamai releases an update to its State of the Internet report that tends to show the continuation of several established trends: Average Internet speeds go up about 10%…

June 30, 2016 0

How Not to Measure Internet Speed

OTI's Internet

Getting up to Speed: Best Practices for Measuring Broadband Performance is a new report from New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute that offers “best practices” for broadband speed measurement. The topic is…

June 28, 2016 7

Live Streaming the House Sit-in

The Democratic Party sit-in at the House yesterday had an interesting technology component: the emergence of smartphone live streaming as a political instrument. The 60s-style demonstration took place after the…

June 23, 2016 0

Overcoming Internet Stagnation

The DC Circuit’s blessing of the FCC’s Internet Service Provider regulations evoked a chorus of hosannahs from the predictable sources: reflexively anti-coprporate newspaper editorials, alarmist blogs, and advocacy groups with…

June 16, 2016 1

Democratic Judges Uphold Misclassification of Internet as Telephone Service

DC Circuit judges Tatel and Srinivasan went along with the FCC’s misclassification of Internet service as a telephone service today, but Senior Judge Steven Williams dissented. The majority opinion rules that…

June 14, 2016 0