No Repeal Without a Replacement

Let’s identify a pair of problems for Congress to address with specific guidelines and see where that takes us. I nominate arbitrary moderation and data privacy and security.

December 4, 2020 0

The Internet’s Lost Decade

Net neutrality sucked the oxygen out of Internet policy for a decade, turning every discussion of Internet policy into a debate over the best way to ensure the Internet remained true to this newly discovered foundational principle of the Internet. But these promises were hollow because net neutrality only applied to one part of the Internet, data transmission between consumers, Internet-based businesses, and Internet Service Providers.

December 23, 2019 0

The Music Man Comes to Lakewood

Fellman, a veritable Music Man, sold the Council on the ballot measure by conjuring various extremely vague partnerships with private companies to serve various unspecified projects.

October 30, 2019 0

OTI United States of Broadband Map is Fake News

US broadband is nothing to sneer at, as all of us who have taken the time to study it in depth are happy to say. Alternative fact reports targeted at naive journalists have the potential to do serious harm, so I would encourage anyone who finds OTI’s United States of Broadband remotely credible to dig a little deeper before firing off clickbait headlines. You might be a victim of fake news.

July 25, 2019 0

Is the Internet Association Serious?

We need IA, the ISPs, Congress, and the regulatory agencies to come together and draft a new section for the Communications Act addressing privacy, security, fraud and other criminal conduct, and market concentration.

February 8, 2018 0

Streaming Video Business Models

Streaming video unlocks new opportunities for advertisers. The traditional modes of TV distribution do the best they can to target ads, but the delivery methods ultimately get in the way….

November 22, 2016 0