Google Responds to Attacks
Rick Whitt has penned an explanation for the thinking behind the Google-Verizon Open Internet proposal on the Google Public Policy Blog, Facts about our network neutrality policy proposal: Over the…
Shrill Reactions
I’ve really been amazed by how shrill the reaction has been on the left to the Google-Verizon proposal. You’d think they’d set fire to the Internet Exchanges simply by proposing…
A Ferrari for the Price of a Geo Metro
The Wall Street Journal has a pretty decent survey of the reaction to the Google-Verizon Internet Proposal: Phone and cable companies say they need leeway in managing their Internet networks…
Traffic Management and the Common Framework
We’ve been writing a lot about Internet traffic management here, and lo and behold the common framework for Internet regulation unveiled today by Google and Verizon deals with the subject…
Virtual Cocktail Party
I’m quoted a couple of times in Newsweek’s article “How Fast Will Your Internet Be in 2020?” Google’s initiative would offer a speed to everyone—one gigabit per second—that the FCC…
Battling Visions of Traffic Management
Jay Daley, an Internet address registrar in New Zealand, offers an interesting “net-head view” of Internet traffic management: Traffic management by definition is about protocols and pipes, about balancing services…
Senate Privacy Hearing
Check my post on Internet Evolution about the Senate’s hearing on Internet privacy and the control of personal information. For the US federal government, privacy rights on the Internet —…
Linux Kernel Improvements
Code bloat is prominent in the dark side of software that’s successful over the long term; every application that we use becomes more feature-rich and in some sense larger and…