Voice and LTE
Back when LTE first got started, all IP networks were all the rage in the cellular industry. People envisioned that all voice services would be provided over the IP network….
Wi-Fi on Crutches
The FCC recently announced that this month (September 2010) it will address the next step in its plans for unlicensed use of the TV whitespace (the portions of the TV…
Are “Managed Services” a New Thing?
The reaction to the Internet regulation framework Google and Verizon laid out on August 9th by the tech blogs was extremely uniform: the bloggers harshly criticized the firms, Google in particular, in very personal terms (“sellout,” “surrender monkey“, “greedy swindler,” etc.) and lambasted the agreement for its failings in terms of mobile broadband and managed services.
Crashing the Internet
Something interesting happened on the Internet Friday that you may not have noticed. For a fairly brief period of time, about 2% of sites lost their connection (couldn’t communicate with…
A Milestone in Publishing
This had to happen sometime, but I’m surprised it was so soon. Amazon Says E-Books Now Top Hardcover Sales – NYTimes.com Monday was a day for the history books —…
Unclouded Vision
Abstract: The commercial reality of the Internet and mobile access to it is muddy. Generalising, we have a set of cloud service providers (e.g., Amazon, Facebook, Flickr, Google, Twitter, to…
Damn the Internet, Let’s Fire Up the Base
I don’t generally write about politics on this blog because it has a technology focus, but a couple of things have happened in the political sphere recently that are too…
A Question of Priorities
Jerry Brito, a legal scholar who’s a fellow at the Mercatus Center, posted a thoughtful piece about Internet priorities yesterday at the TLF blog, Let’s get our priorities straight. Jerry…