The Unfinished Radio Revolution

Last Friday, Silicon Flatirons and ITIF put on a great program on new approaches to handling radio interference. This program is one of a very few events in Washington to…

November 17, 2010 0

Ideas in Action Net Neutrality Debate

There’s a pretty good 30 minute debate on net neutrality between Mike McCurry of Arts+Labs and Craig Aaron of Free Press on Jim Glassman’s Ideas in Action TV show, with…

November 17, 2010 0

Our Innovation Infrastructure: Opportunities and Challenges

This seems to be a week for important speeches. First, Comcast’s David Cohen commemorated the anniversary of FCC Chairman Julius Genchoswki’s Open Internet speech in a return to the Brookings…

November 17, 2010 2

Defining the Internet

One of the more interesting comments filed with the FCC in its recent Further Inquiry into Two Under-Developed Issues in the Open Internet Proceeding was filed by a group of…

November 15, 2010 0

FTC Gets a Chief Technologist

The Federal Trade Commission now has its first Chief Technologist: Federal Trade Commission Chairman Jon Leibowitz today announced the appointment of Edward W. Felten as the agency’s first Chief Technologist….

November 10, 2010 0

Experimental Radio Applications at the FCC

This summarizes a selection of applications for the Experimental Radio Service received by the FCC during October 2010. These are related to ultra-wideband, machine-to-machine, satellite, GSM, white space, and radar….

November 4, 2010 0

Technology and the US Election

You may have noticed there was an election Tuesday. Pretty much as expected, Republicans regained control of the House, Democrats retained the Senate, and many Governorships shifted from Democratic to…

November 3, 2010 3

Birth of the Commercial Internet

Once upon a time, way back in 1991, the entire commercial Internet consisted of a single Cisco AGS router located in Tyson’s Corner, Virginia. At the time that the so-called…

October 29, 2010 0