AT&T’s Usage Caps and Video Piracy

AT&T has announced that it’s going to set a soft limit of 150 Gigabytes/month for their ADSL customers and 250 Gigabytes for their VDSL+ (U-Verse) customers. The reaction of the…

March 15, 2011 34

Best Use of the Spectrum

TV broadcasters are fighting tooth and nail to hang on to “their” spectrum, the peachy-keen beachfront property in the 700 MHz band that they use to reach the 10 percent…

March 11, 2011 2

The Spectrum Challenge

Imagine you’re a regulator and your job is to find some space in the spectrum map to meet the demand for mobile broadband. Here’s a close approximation of the existing…

March 5, 2011 2

Stanford-developed Transceiver Operates Full Duplex on a Single Channel, Reduces Network Bottlenecks

To avoid interference, wireless transceivers can switch between transmit and receive on one frequency (Time Division Duplex (TDD)). Or, they can transmit and receive at the same time on different…

March 3, 2011 0

Consumer Reports up to its Old Tricks

Once again, the intrepid consumer watchdogs at Consumer Reports are “exposing” a potential flaw with the iPhone antenna, this time on the Verizon model. If you cover the gap in…

February 26, 2011 0

MWC 2011 round-up: Smartphones, Policy/Offload and VoLTE/RCS

I’ve now had a chance to gather my thoughts about last week’s Barcelona Bunfight. I can’t say I enjoyed the trip this year (having only grudgingly decided to go right…

February 22, 2011 1

NTIA looks at Contraband Cell Phones in Prisons

Contraband cell phones are sometimes used by prisoners to talk to a child after school, for Facebook updates, or to post videos to YouTube. Other times they’re used to plan…

February 22, 2011 0

Recent Smartphone Developments

Some very interesting things are happening in the smartphone “ecosystem” these days that bear watching, especially if you’re in line for an upgrade like I am. The Blackberry Bold that…

February 22, 2011 0