AT&T and T-Mobile – Interpreting the Spin
AT&T and T-Mobile have collected their press release and associated documents on one web site. A few points caught my eye. “AT&T is now burning through 10 MHz of spectrum…
Should a Sales Brochure Underlie US Spectrum Policy?
The FCC relies on Cisco’s forecast of mobile-broadband data demand as a basis for spectrum policy. Called the Visual Networking Index, it comes up many times in the National Broadband…
The Policy Side of the Merger
Last week, I covered the technical side of the AT&T – T-Mobile merger, endeavoring to explain why it’s a good deal for the companies. This week, I’ve written a blog…
The Tempest and the Teapot
Two things happened this month that have bearing on the course of the evolution of the broadband network. One was seen as momentous but, to me, is ultimately a non-event,…
Experimental Radio Applications at the FCC
This summarizes a selection of applications for the Experimental Radio Service received by the FCC during February 2011. These are related to cognitive radio, land mobile, TV white space, unmanned…
The Web is not a Communications Medium
My friend Martin Geddes has an intriguing post up at CircleID titled “Is the Web a “Communications Medium?”. The answer is “no, it’s not:” I’ve been having a short Twitter…
A Tree Falls in the Forest and Nobody Hears It
On behalf of Google and its partners at the New America Foundation, Vint Cerf dumped an ocean of data on policy makers today that’s only going to confuse America’s broadband…
Al Franken’s Internet
CNet’s Maggie Reardon interviewed Sen. Al Franken before he delivered his speech on net neutrality at SXSW. Here we see the Senator fumbling two basic questions about the Internet: Q:…