The Internet’s First Turning Point
Watching today’s House debate on net neutrality and discussing Internet architecture in a meeting today reminded me that the Internet’s history is very poorly understood, if it’s understood at all….
Misunderstanding Moore’s Law
Tom Evslin, the former head of AT&T’s dial-up Internet services unit in the 1990s, has written a blog post for CircleID that mistates Moore’s Law’s application to networking. There’s a…
AT&T and T-Mobile – Interpreting the Spin
AT&T and T-Mobile have collected their press release and associated documents on one web site. A few points caught my eye. “AT&T is now burning through 10 MHz of spectrum…
Should a Sales Brochure Underlie US Spectrum Policy?
The FCC relies on Cisco’s forecast of mobile-broadband data demand as a basis for spectrum policy. Called the Visual Networking Index, it comes up many times in the National Broadband…
The Policy Side of the Merger
Last week, I covered the technical side of the AT&T – T-Mobile merger, endeavoring to explain why it’s a good deal for the companies. This week, I’ve written a blog…