A Tip of the Cap
There’s an editorial in today’s New York Times called “To Cap, Or Not” and you have to wonder who writes this stuff. In a nutshell, this money line in the…
The Network of Probabilities
At eComm, I interviewed on stage Neil Davies, founder of Predictable Network Solutions. (Disclosure: they are a consulting client, we are working together to commercialise their technology.) The transcript of…
Fact-checking Sen. Kohl’s Letter
Senator Herb Kohl sent a letter to the Justice Department and the FCC today arguing that the market analysis around the proposed AT&T/T-Mobile merger should emphasize the national market rather…
Netflix Bets the Medium is the Message
An awful lot of pixels have been burned on the dramatic price increase that Netflix announced last week. The popular phrasing described a “social media firestorm” of complaints from angry…