CCIA Using Hearsay to Fight T-Mobile Merger

The President of the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) Edward Black told The Hill Newspaper that an AT&T/T-Mobile merger would be bad for mobile application makers.  Black argues that…

July 26, 2011 3

A Tip of the Cap

There’s an editorial in today’s New York Times called “To Cap, Or Not” and you have to wonder who writes this stuff. In a nutshell, this money line in the…

July 22, 2011 0

The Network of Probabilities

At eComm, I interviewed on stage Neil Davies, founder of Predictable Network Solutions. (Disclosure: they are a consulting client, we are working together to commercialise their technology.) The transcript of…

July 22, 2011 2

The Big Debate on DNS Filtering and DNSSEC

Earlier this week, I participated on a panel debating the use of Domain Name System (DNS) filtering and the Protect Intellectual Property (IP) Act at the third Internet Governance Forum-USA.  Video…

July 21, 2011 10

Fact-checking Sen. Kohl’s Letter

Senator Herb Kohl sent a letter to the Justice Department and the FCC today arguing that the market analysis around the proposed AT&T/T-Mobile merger should emphasize the national market rather…

July 21, 2011 2

Netflix Bets the Medium is the Message

An awful lot of pixels have been burned on the dramatic price increase that Netflix announced last week. The popular phrasing described a “social media firestorm” of complaints from angry…

July 18, 2011 6

7-14-2011 Quick Read List

House Dems introduce spectrum bill –  House Democrats have introduced a wireless spectrum bill H.R. 2482 which is similar to a recently proposed Senate bill.  A key difference is that the…

July 14, 2011 0

60% Price Hike for Netflix

At a time when consumers are tightening their discretionary spending in the face of a tough economy, Netflix announced that they will be raising prices by 60% from $10/month to…

July 13, 2011 7