Improving Federal Spectrum Systems

Last Friday, the Information Economy Project (a project of the George Mason University School of Law and Clemson University) held the best little spectrum conference Washington has seen this year….

April 30, 2014 0

US Moves Up in Akamai Rankings

The latest State of the Internet Report from Akamai shows continued improvement in Internet speeds in the United States, with Top 10 rankings in all three performance metrics, Average Connection…

April 23, 2014 0

Paid Peering and the Internet of Video Things

The controversy over the deal between Comcast and Netflix for paid access to the Comcast residential network is heating up, and that’s just inside Netflix. Immediately after the two firms…

March 28, 2014 0

What is Masa Son talking about? (Part 1: Device-Limited LTE speed)

On Tuesday, March 11th, Sprint Chairman Masa Son gave an interesting and exciting speech on the benefits of merging Sprint with T-Mobile that relied on some rather dramatic empirical claims….

March 12, 2014 4

The New Spectrum Caucus (and a new High Tech Forum project)

The new Congressional Spectrum Caucus announced today by U.S. Representatives Doris Matsui (D- CA) and Brett Guthrie (R-KY) is a most welcome development.  In his statement, Representative Guthrie said,”The caucus…

February 27, 2014 0

Netflix and Comcast Declare Peace

Netflix and Comcast announced today that they’ve come to terms on an interconnection agreement that they’ve been working out since their CEOs and technical teams met in Las Vegas during…

February 23, 2014 2

Europeans Envy U.S. Broadband

Why do some persist in negatively comparing U.S. broadband to Europe’s?   Roslyn Layton, a visiting fellow at AEI’s Center for Internet, Communications and Technology Policy (where our fair editor is…

February 19, 2014 11

A Broader Vision for Wireless 9-1-1

Before working in public policy, I was a Silicon Valley technology developer. When they learn this, people often ask me if I’m frustrated by the slow pace of policy. I…

February 12, 2014 0