What’s the difference between Wi-Fi and unlicensed spectrum?

Ask the Engineer: What’s the difference between Wi-Fi and unlicensed spectrum? Answer: Wi-Fi is a particular service that uses unlicensed spectrum, but there are others as well. As the FCC…

March 17, 2015 0

How do I get a “fast lane” on the Internet?

Ask the Engineer: How do I get a “fast lane” on the Internet? Innovator: I’ve read that the FCC’s new regulations would prevent ISPs from charging web sites for fast…

March 17, 2015 0

Assessing Minimum Quality of Service

One of the models for harmonizing net neutrality principles with innovation imperatives allows broadband ISPs to offer customized delivery services to real-time and non-time-critical applications provided that the basic service…

March 17, 2015 0

The Etiquette of Internet Service Quality

One of the central issues in the development of Internet policy is the matter of priorities. Proponents of network neutrality insist that service providers should not be able to sell…

March 17, 2015 0

Interesting Technologies Raise Interesting Questions — and Opportunities

Silicon Valley and its imitators around the world are always active on dozens of fronts that don’t break into the news cycle until they’ve gone through several cycles of innovation,…

March 17, 2015 0

Be Careful What You Wish For: Caution on Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality seems to be the hottest topic around these days. The good guys are for it and the bad guys are against it, at least according to the press….

November 24, 2014 0

A New Way to Look at Net Neutrality

New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute is circulating a proposal by consultant CTC Technology and Energy titled “Mobile Broadband Networks Can Manage Congestion While Abiding By Open Internet Principles” that…

November 18, 2014 0

Can We Validate the Cost of Connectivity?

The latest addition of the New America Foundation’s “Cost of Connectivity” report is successfully gaining attention from bloggers and journalists who accept its claims at face value. Some of the…

November 5, 2014 0