Engineers Can Policy Too: ETAP 2015
Recently I was invited to take part in a conference put together by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the “IEEE Experts in Technology and Policy Forum on Internet Governance,…
No Way to Run a Railroad
Spectrum is valuable, that much is certain. Exactly how valuable it is is a matter for economic analysis at a level that exceeds my knowledge of economics by an enormous…
Why LTE Unlicensed Outperforms Wi-Fi
The hottest issue in unlicensed wireless spectrum policy is the conflict between Wi-Fi and LTE Unlicensed (“LTE-U”). Some advocates are pressing for restrictions on LTE-U, even going to far as…
Net neutrality in India
The Indian government is considering whether to apply a regulatory framework to developing over-the-top services in its country, with particular emphasis on net neutrality principles. Recently the regulatory body there…
What’s spectrum worth?
U.S. wireless carriers along with Dish Network (NASDAQ: DISH) sit on wireless spectrum worth around $368 billion collectively, according to a report from a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs. See…
100 Years of Moore’s Law
We’ve seen a flurry of articles on Moore’s Law recently in celebration of its 50-year anniversary this month. Most are quite good, especially Larry Downes’ piece in the Washington Post….
Net Neutrality in India: Missionary Zeal v. Zero-Rating
Internet policy in general and net neutrality in particular isn’t limited to the United States, of course. The first nation to pass a net neutrality law was Chile, and technically…
The Internet is just a prototype
What might we do with the Internet of the future? The world is about to be filled with autonomous cars, social robots, and delivery drones. These will all need to…