How LTE Unlicensed Actually Works

The issue of LTE Unlicensed is a hot topic in spectrum policy circles, but there’s a lot of confusion about the pros and cons of LTE-U technology. So High Tech…

June 12, 2015 0

Court Denies Title II Stay

Hot off the wire, the DC Circuit has denied a stay of the Open Internet Order so the new rules go into effect on Friday. They’re already having an effect:…

June 11, 2015 0

The Internet Goes Mobile

One of policy wonkdom’s annual milestones is the publication of Mary Meeker’s slide deck on Internet trends (2015 Internet Trends.) Meeker’s slide deck is a massive overview of national and…

June 11, 2015 0

Redesigning the telephone network

The telephone network as we’ve known it is on the way out, obviously. Its replacement is a somewhat smarter Internet Protocol network. One part of the transformation is “CORD”: It’s…

June 11, 2015 0

Networks on Demand: The Promise of Software-Defined Networking

This is an exciting time for the Internet. You already know some of the reasons for this: Internet use is shifting from desk-potato systems and applications to mobile ones; mobile…

June 4, 2015 0

Engineers Can Policy Too: ETAP 2015

Recently I was invited to take part in a conference put together by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the “IEEE Experts in Technology and Policy Forum on Internet Governance,…

June 2, 2015 0

No Way to Run a Railroad

Spectrum is valuable, that much is certain. Exactly how valuable it is is a matter for economic analysis at a level that exceeds my knowledge of economics by an enormous…

May 23, 2015 0

Why LTE Unlicensed Outperforms Wi-Fi

The hottest issue in unlicensed wireless spectrum policy is the conflict between Wi-Fi and LTE Unlicensed (“LTE-U”). Some advocates are pressing for restrictions on LTE-U, even going to far as…

May 12, 2015 0