Flying from Facts

Why don’t facts matter in policy debates? It’s not that people don’t invest a great deal of time and effort in acquiring them, analyzing them, and using them to buttress…

August 14, 2015 0

The Internet Has Never Been Free of Borders

The New York Times ran an editorial Monday that displays a very poor understanding of both the inner workings of the Internet and the nature of intellectual property. Effectively, the…

August 11, 2015 0

My Amicus Brief in the Open Internet Challenge

I filed a brief with the DC Circuit Court today challenging the FCC’s Open Internet Order. This is the first such brief I’ve filed, and I was motivated by the fact…

August 6, 2015 0

Three Intriguing Tales and a Bonus

I wanted to write about three stories that were in the news today, and since I can choose just one you’re going to get all three. They all have something…

August 6, 2015 0

The Cord-Cutting Myth in the Golden Age of TV

No matter where you get your news, you’ve undoubtedly heard that cable TV is in big trouble because people are cutting the cord on high-priced cable plans and moving to…

August 4, 2015 0

Senate Commerce Committee Spectrum Hearing

The Senate Commerce Committee’s Wednesday hearing on spectrum policy highlighted key issues and brought out some workable solutions to the spectrum crunch. In order to advance from 4G to 5G…

July 30, 2015 0

Genetic Engineering and Public Policy

We normally deal with networking issues here, but today I’m going to cover a different corner of tech policy that’s been in the news recently, genetic engineering. First, some background:…

July 28, 2015 0

How to Hack a Car

Condé Nast’s Andy Greenberg is all over car hacking, with three articles about security exploits and Congressional actions here here and here this week. A pair of hackers discovered Chrysler Jeeps…

July 23, 2015 0