Three Big Deal News Items in Tech Policy
Since last we spoke, there’s been significant news on three tech policy fronts with major significance that are worth noting, so this is an all-purpose post with news value to catch…
Welcome to New Cable TV
A lot of Internet and cable TV policy these days presumes that the status quo for Internet services and pay TV will persist indefinitely. Without this assumption, there’s no reason for…
10 Breakthrough Technologies
OK, I’m a sucker for Top 10 lists, especially those that forecast technology trends. So the cover story on the current issue of MIT Technology Review (their title is my…
Apple, FBI Talks Need Engineers
Electrical Engineering Times makes a sage, if somewhat obvious observation about the FBI/Apple dispute about unlocking the iPhone 5s used by dead terrorist Syed Farook: The dispute between Apple and…
Everything You Need to Know about Security
If you want a good grounding in current issues in Internet security, the Symantec Internet Security Threat Report is a good place to start. The most up-to-date edition was published last…
MOBILE Now: All the Spectrum We’ll Ever Need?
Mobile networks will be in good shape for spectrum for the foreseeable future if Senators John Thune (R, S. Dakota) and Bill Nelson (D, Florida) pass their MOBILE Now Act…
Streams are Fundamental to Internet Management
Last week, I criticized a blog post by the Center for Democracy and Technology for its failure to regard packet streams as an important component of the Internet: CDT’s decomposition of Internet data…
Fixed LTE for Rural Broadband Emerges
For several years it’s been apparent that the ever-increasing performance of 4G/LTE wireless networks would make them a practical option for rural broadband. The specifications for LTE span the range…