Anna Gomez on the National Spectrum Plan

Of all the telecom lawyers I’ve met, nobody understands spectrum better than Anna Gomez. This is a must-see podcast for spectrum geeks.

August 8, 2022 0

Net Neutrality Fight Brewing in Congress

We have to wonder whether we’re seeing now seeing insight or mere persistence. One thing is clear, however: if this bill passes it will have more to do with the Supreme Court’s revival of the Major Questions Doctrine than with the state of the Internet in 2022.

July 18, 2022 0

Jayne Stancavage on the Global Spectrum Pipeline

While today’s applications are human-centric, the next generation of wireless systems are likely to transform entire economic sectors.

May 31, 2022 0

Shane Tews on Filling the Spectrum Pipeline

Transferring spectrum from old to new users have proven to be much speedier and easier than imagined by PCAST and similar plans of 10 – 15 years ago. Getting governments and government agencies to cooperate is the harder problem.

May 20, 2022 0

Eric Schmidt’s Spectrum Agenda

The US needs to create a system that keeps spectrum licenses in circulation, like dollars in the economy. Every technical system that uses spectrum today will be obsolete some day.

May 5, 2022 0

Mary Brown on Building a Spectrum Pipeline

Evaluation of 20th century radio use cases against 21st century networking needs has to become an ongoing process until all of the spectrum allocations made by fiat are converted to more general uses.

April 22, 2022 0

The Cyberwar in Ukraine

Who would you bet on to win the game of cyberwar, the best minds in the world or a sad bunch of hacks whose highest professional aspiration is working for a madman?

March 16, 2022 0

Survive and Thrive After the 3G Sunset

If you have a car with built-in 3G and no upgrade path consider this is a lesson learned and rely on your smartphone for navigation and SOS.

February 22, 2022 0