Reply Comments on FCC Privacy

I filed reply comments with the FCC in the broadband privacy proceeding to make a single point: ISPs don’t have the NSA-like powers of code-breaking and aggregation that the NRPM…

July 7, 2016 6

How Not to Measure Internet Speed

OTI's Internet

Getting up to Speed: Best Practices for Measuring Broadband Performance is a new report from New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute that offers “best practices” for broadband speed measurement. The topic is…

June 28, 2016 7

FCC Curious about Noise Floor

FCC Curious about Noise Floor

The FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology has opened an inquiry on spectrum noise floors. Anecdotal evidence says there’s more random spectral noise today, and OET wants to know how…

June 23, 2016 0

Overcoming Internet Stagnation

The DC Circuit’s blessing of the FCC’s Internet Service Provider regulations evoked a chorus of hosannahs from the predictable sources: reflexively anti-coprporate newspaper editorials, alarmist blogs, and advocacy groups with…

June 16, 2016 1

Democratic Judges Uphold Misclassification of Internet as Telephone Service

DC Circuit judges Tatel and Srinivasan went along with the FCC’s misclassification of Internet service as a telephone service today, but Senior Judge Steven Williams dissented. The majority opinion rules that…

June 14, 2016 0

Integrating its Way to the Future: Apple WWDC

Apple’s annual World-Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) is one of the most anticipated and best-covered tech events of year. WWDC is typically about software updates, while the so-called Special Events are…

June 13, 2016 0

Internet Architecture vs. Section 222

If you follow debates about Internet policy in detail, you will often find advocates arguing opposite sides of particular questions in different contexts. Responsible advocates avoid this practice because, obviously,…

June 10, 2016 0