What Makes AI Work?
Pokémon GO hit peak optimism today as Nintendo stock dropped 17% on the realization that the company doesn’t actually control the game. Nintendo has a share: about 32% of the Pokémon…
Clinton and Trump Campaign Technologies
Since the Republican National Convention is underway as I write this – compelling entertainment – it’s appropriate to take a look at the ways the candidates will use technology in…
Net Neutrality Heats up in Europe
The net neutrality debate isn’t quite over in the US, as we learned today from the pushback from true believers against T-Mobile’s offer of uncapped data for a year to Pokémon GO…
Pokémon GO and Self-Driving Cars
This is going to be about self-driving cars but there’s some sort of rule that blogs all have to be about Pokémon GO this week so I’ll get to my main…
Senate to Examine FCC’s Privacy Scheme
Bright and early Tuesday morning – at 10:00 AM Capitol Hill time – the Senate Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on the FCC’s proposed privacy rules, How Will the FCC’s…
Reply Comments on FCC Privacy
I filed reply comments with the FCC in the broadband privacy proceeding to make a single point: ISPs don’t have the NSA-like powers of code-breaking and aggregation that the NRPM…
How Not to Measure Internet Speed
Getting up to Speed: Best Practices for Measuring Broadband Performance is a new report from New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute that offers “best practices” for broadband speed measurement. The topic is…
FCC Curious about Noise Floor
The FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology has opened an inquiry on spectrum noise floors. Anecdotal evidence says there’s more random spectral noise today, and OET wants to know how…