Trump Administration Telecom Program
The Trump Administration is going to chart its own course through the tech policy issues we discuss here, as AEI’s Jeff Eisenach explained on the Communicators last Friday. The Trump Administration…
The Internet is Making Us Stupid
The Internet is making us stupid because of clickbait. This isn’t a new fact, it’s a reality that’s becoming increasingly hard to ignore as its consequences spread. The Internet is…
Attacked by Our Toasters
Is there a connection between the FCC’s Open Internet regulations and the recent DDoS attacks on Brian Krebs, OVH, and Dyn DNS? A letter to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler from…
Internet Privacy: Just the Facts
In my last post, I reported on a press call by Senator Markey and a group of activists in support of the FCC’s Internet Privacy NPRM. I found the call…
Overcoming the Advertising Duopoly
Sen. Ed Markey (D, MA.) hosted a press call for advocates of the FCC’s broadband privacy regulations today that failed to shed any new light on the issue. As is the way…
Part 2: Does America Need a National Broadband Research Agenda?
This is a continuation and conclusion to a post from last week on the broadband research agenda proposed by the Obama Administration. We left off with the example of “multihoming”…
Does America Need a National Broadband Research Agenda?
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), a part of the Commerce Department, has asked for comment on a recommendation to coordinate federal research funding on a broad range of…
Solving the Privacy Problem
As we inch toward the FCC’s October 27th Open Meeting that will decide the fates of video streaming and Internet advertising markets, speculation abounds about Chairman Wheeler’s course. In a…