Mysteries and Loopholes in the Open Internet Order

The claim that Internet regulation can only be carried out by an agency with rulemaking power remains to be proved because we don’t actually have concrete rules yet.

February 15, 2017 0

A Fresh Look at Internet Management

The FTC takes action to stop and prevent unfair business practices that are likely to reduce competition and lead to higher prices, reduced quality or levels of service, or less innovation. Anticompetitive practices include activities like price fixing, group boycotts, and exclusionary exclusive dealing contracts or trade association rules, and are generally grouped into two types: agreements between competitors, also referred to as horizontal conduct; and monopolization, also referred to as single firm conduct

February 9, 2017 0

Everything You Need to Know About 5G – IEEE Spectrum

Millimeter waves, massive MIMO, full duplex, beamforming, and small cells are just a few of the technologies that could enable ultrafast 5G networks Source: Everything You Need to Know About…

February 7, 2017 0

Honor Among Thieves

Ransomware is a pain. People open an attachment in an email, allowing a virus to infect their computers. The virus scrambles all their data and they get a notice from…

February 7, 2017 0

How Google fought back against a crippling IoT-powered botnet and won

From Ars Technica: “What happens if this botnet actually takes down and we lose all of our revenue?” Google Security Reliability Engineer Damian Menscher recalls people asking. “But we…

February 2, 2017 0

Animating Rural Broadband

Subsidies aren’t going to alleviate rural America’s broadband woes all by themselves, but with a little planning and some new technology we can do a lot with a little.

February 2, 2017 0

FCC Course Correction

The FCC has made a number of expected decisions on pending issues and signalled a willingness to alter the course of network regulation in a more permissive, innovation-friendly direction. Here are some highlights of recent actions.

January 31, 2017 0

Is Net Neutrality Doomed?

Net neutrality is doomed by history and technology regardless of who sits atop the FCC. Neutrality is forced modularity, a losing proposition in every long run. Our reverence for for forced modularity comes from a fluke of history.

January 24, 2017 0