Saving the Web from Humanity

28 years ago today, Sir Tim Berners-Lee designed the web in a memo to his bosses at CERN, the European Union’s research center for nuclear energy. While nuclear energy is…

March 14, 2017 0

Senate Internet Hearings

As a technical matter, it is the case that the Internet is more like cable TV than the telephone network. While the Internet does support interpersonal communication, its primary role is publishing audio, video, pictures, and text. And like cable TV, it’s a platform in which advertising is a very important source of revenue.

March 9, 2017 0

Magic Headsets

Video headsets are critical elements of augmented reality. They come in two basic designs: Optical See-Through (OST) where the wearer perceives the real world directly, and Video See-Through (VST) where cameras are…

March 7, 2017 0

Google Grows Up: Innovation WITH Permission

When a company as large as Google that aims to hire the best and brightest fails to prove its value by making money, it’s not uncommon to see the course correction we’re seeing now. Between Netflix, Amazon, AT&T, Apple, and YouTube it appears the tech sector is remaking Hollywood in its own image. This is going to make a great show.

March 2, 2017 0

Who Sees What You Did?

Clue: If you’re going to tell the FCC that ISPs know more about our web behavior than Google and Facebook, you might want to disable the DoubleClick tracker on your web site, consumer warriors.

February 24, 2017 0

Tech giants face the harsh reality of VR and AR 

The tradeoff between a lower-quality experience and a higher degree of encumbrance is magnified in augmented reality. The most impressive product in the field, Microsoft’s HoloLens, operates independently, but —…

February 24, 2017 0

Technicolor Launches Virtual and Augmented Reality-Focused “Sound Lab”

Technicolor’s new immersive audio unit, dubbed The Sound Lab at Technicolor, is up and running at its Burbank headquarters. It will also use space at the company’s Technicolor at Paramount sound…

February 24, 2017 0

5G vs. FTTH: The End of Wire

You can count on rural networks being built out of a variety of wireless technologies in present and near future. As needs for capacity increase, signal processing systems that enable more efficient sharing will keep the rural folks ahead of the tsunami.

February 23, 2017 0