The Coming Productivity Boom with Bret Swanson

[powerpress] In this edition of the HTF podcast, we talk with Entropy Economics founder Bret Swanson about his recent paper (with Michael Mandel), The Coming Productivity Boom. Swanson sees high…

August 2, 2017 0

Big Picture Issues with EFF Letter

As I pointed out in the last post, the Engineers Letter EFF filed with the FCC in the Internet Freedom docket is riddled with errors. It attacks the Commission’s understanding…

July 27, 2017 0

EFF’s Engineers Letter Avoids Key Issues About Internet Regulation

One of the more intriguing comments filed with the FCC in the “Restoring Internet Freedom” docket is a letter lambasting the FCC for failing to understand how the Internet works….

July 21, 2017 0

The Internet Model

The FCC’s first instinct when it encounters a legitimate issue with Internet management should be to involve the multi-stakeholder community through such means as reaching out to the Broadband Internet Technical Advisory Group (BITAG), the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet Society, and professional organizations such as ACM and IEEE.

July 17, 2017 0

Progress in the Debate over TV White Space

Tuesday (July 11, 2017), Microsoft unveiled their current vision for unlicensed radio services in the TV White Space (see “Microsoft calls for U.S. strategy to eliminate rural broadband gap within…

July 13, 2017 0

Microsoft Closes Digital Divide! Heh, Just Kidding

Happy Prime Day! Here’s one special deal you don’t want to buy: Microsoft’s grand plan to bring high speed broadband to the less-populated fringe of rural America for peanuts. It…

July 12, 2017 0

Regulators Stoke Gatekeeping Fears

FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny and former FCC Chief Counsel Jon Sallet have written a frightening editorial for Wired: “Kill the Open Internet, and Wave Goodbye to Consumer Choice“. If the…

July 6, 2017 0

Congestion Pricing for Infrastructure: I Still Don’t Know Why Net Neutrality is Important

When usage, delay tolerance, and loss tolerance are all unknowns, we fall to an unknown level of quality. While this simplifies billing, it doesn’t do justice to the needs of applications, innovation, or investment.

A side effect of switching from the current billing model to a quality-based model is that the unproductive net neutrality debate summarily ends. When users have control over the end-to-end quality of each application transaction, the means used by the provider to deliver the desired quality are unimportant.

June 28, 2017 0