The Myth of Internet Fast Lanes

Should three unelected bureaucrats be able to reverse three other unelected bureaucrats on vital social, political, and economic questions? This is the haunting question for Internet policy in the United…

December 19, 2017 0

The Internet After Net Neutrality

Let’s not be distracted by shiny objects any more. The Internet still has tremendous promise as well as serious problems to solve. Making it better through continuous experimentation should be the top priority.

December 12, 2017 0

Public Comments in the World of Massively Multiplayer Regulatory Proceedings

TPI uses machine learning to examine dodgy comments on Restoring Internet Freedom. By the time the FCC’s ferociously controversial net neutrality draft Order was released on November 22, 2017, more…

December 7, 2017 0

Training Wheels for the Internet

We’re on the brink of the rollout of a new technology that promises to offer more competition for residential broadband. Allowing 5G to flourish is much more important than keeping the training wheels on the Internet.

December 6, 2017 0

Don’t blame the election on fake news. Blame it on the media

The numbers say the impact of fake news on the last election was very small. The failure of the real news to cover the campaign soundly is the real issue….

December 6, 2017 0

Web Giant Blocking

Did you think net neutrality protects us from website blocking? Not one its champions do it to each other. Google confirmed that it will be pulling access of YouTube on…

December 6, 2017 0

Why Concerns About Net Neutrality Are Overblown

This is the best op-ed I’ve seen on Internet regulation ever. It’s eerily similar to a more technical take I wrote yesterday. TORONTO — The Federal Communications Commission is planning…

December 5, 2017 0

Internet Regulation in the Age of Hyper-Giants

As we enter the seventh round of the net neutrality fight,  advocates continue to make the same argument they’ve offered since 2002: infrastructure companies will do massive harm to little…

December 5, 2017 0