My op-ed in Fierce Wireless
Leading wireless tech news outlet Fierce Wireless published my op-ed in support of the Spectrum Pipeline Act of 2024 today. The bill will be discussed along with other national security…
Progress on Spectrum Allocation
I can only hope that the Senate can put partisan differences aside and focus on what’s good for the nation. We need more 5G and 6G and we need more competition for broadband.
Net Neutrality Reply Comments
Rather than going forward with backward-looking Title II regulations it would be wise for the FCC to issue a Further NPRM seeking comment on the state of competition in the Broadband ISP market. The NPRM barely touches this topic, but it’s actually at the center of the current issue set. There is much the Agency can do to accelerate the transition from a wire-dominant broadband regime to a wireless future in which the Internet is fully pervasive.
NTIA Spectrum Plan Implementation Comments
The bottom line is that the focus on study means we are not placing enough emphasis on the directions and objectives of improving incumbent systems.
HTF Comments on Title II NPRM
But most of all, the FCC needs to guide Congress toward a regulatory status quo that enables the Commission to function to its full capability so that the Internet can fulfill its potential. The FCC and the Internet are not at war with each other, you are both partners in making a better tomorrow.
DoD Drags Down the Spectrum Strategy
The Pentagon needs to strive to become a better partner with private sector innovators while revising its spectrum strategy from one of dominance to one of cooperation.
FCC Lumbers Along with Net Neutrality
I would much rather see the FCC spend its free time on the spectrum problem than fooling around with Title II. But that takes the agency focusing more on what the country needs and less on its institutional self-esteem. That’s harsh, but it’s consistent with what’s actually happening in 2023
5G Hampered by Bad Information
In both 5G coexistence and support for our allies, the Pentagon should focus more on the immediate goal and less on tactics. Despite its penchant for debate, the Pentagon has little relevant experience in either field.